Our dogs


Flyland Never Stop Narnia

Narnia is our dream of an athletic border collie. She is always loving, happy, very easy to handle and really, really fast.


Her strength is her great power and ability to accelerate, her love for everything and everyone and her really great flexibility.

Her weak points are a bit too high responsiveness to handler movements in sports and easy discouragement by critizism when criteria are too difficult. 


At home she loves to cuddle and is very uncomplicated, easy to train with food or toys. She loves long walks in the woods and "just being a dog". In sports she is always giving all she has got and a bit more. She shows no signs of aggression and if she does feel insecure she will always come and ask us for help.



Her life motto: the world needs love!





Tollarbos Na'vii El Nacho

Na'vii is out little sunshine, our "unicorn-like-dog".


Very sensitive but on the same side very funny, happy and friendly. She would love her life to consist of retrieving, swimming and sleeping if she could live like she wishes to.





Tierärztin Imke Niewöhner

            Huntestr. 7

            26209 Hatten
